February 1, 2025
- Born and raised in Westville
- Moved away from Westville in 1992 for work and returned in 2004 buying my childhood home to raise my family in Westville.
- Background in Business Ownership
- Served on the village board from 2011-2019
- Being a past board member, I was able to learn how the village functions and how every meeting and every discussion with the other board members is vital. Working together for a common goal and even with differences of opinion still find ways to come to an agreement or compromise at times to get things accomplished.
- As a past park chairman, I was very hands on and active in remodeling the bathrooms, painting the basketball court with my son and daughter and mowing and maintaining the park. I also helped raise funds for the park renovations and was on that committee as well. You may have remembered my golf cart with a toilet mounted to the back to collect money during Labor Day. I was honored to contribute in any way I could to help make our park something special.
- As a past sewer committee chairman, I was able to learn more about how ERH functions and how our sanitary system works. I also tackled on large projects with former village employees to save money on certain projects.
- As a past police committee chairman, I worked with the police to ensure they had everything they needed to protect our residents.
My goals if elected Mayor
- As mayor, I will be even more involved with the police and will ride with the chief and officers to learn even more about what they are called to do and how I can help them and keep them safe. I want to evaluate the calls they are receiving each week and review those calls with the board to make decisions moving forward. The safety and security of our residents and the officers will be one of my number one priorities.
- As mayor, I will work hard with the board members to see that Westville continues to grow and that changes are made for the protection, security and stability of our town. I will also want to hold meetings with the board and all landlords who currently own rental properties or vacant properties in Westville. In doing so I want to make sure there is an understanding of the responsibilities of not only renters but the owner of the properties. This is very important especially when in regards to ordinance violations, criminal activity and property neglect.
- As mayor, I will do my part to see that Westville attracts even more new business and to support and help current established businesses in town. Westville has not levied village property taxes since 1969 which we all appreciate. Therefore, we rely on sales tax to generate revenues for the village. So the more businesses you have the more revenue you have to run a village. You hear it said "Thank you for buying LOCAL" well for Westville this is so true with state sales tax. For every dollar you spend in Westville you are funding the town that you call home and live in. Supporting your local businesses not only helps our local business owners, but it helps the village survive.
- With a background in business and budgeting, I will work closely with the treasurer and the board to make sure that village funds are being used properly. As mayor, it will not be out of the ordinary for me to log into QuickBooks and review income and expenses often to keep track and to ask questions. I also want to change the way employees are evaluated and how raises are given when funds are available. Like any business, I want to see evaluations and reviews given and based upon responsibilities, work ethic, attitude and contributions made to give increases in salary. Currently there is an increase in each yearly budget across the board for everyone regardless and not based upon each employee evaluation. There needs to be accountability and with the board we can decide together any raises for each employee.
- As Mayor, I want everyone to understand how important it is for us to keep our gas and water department. With all of the funds that the village has invested over the years it would not be wise to sell ownership to other companies. The increase in monthly bills that our residents would see for water and gas if we did not own these would be substantial.
- As mayor, I want to evaluate some concerns I have with conflicts of interest. I feel there are some situations that have taken place that have not been handled like they should have and therefore changes need to be made moving forward.
- As mayor, I would like to see a change made with the current way we enforce ordinance violations. First and foremost, we have so many ordinances that at times it can be confusing. We need to focus on the Top 5 ordinances that are often not followed and make sure the residents are clearly informed and understand these ordinances and the fines that will occur if they are not followed. Also the chief of police is responsible for writing letters to those who do not follow simple rules and I think this is not right. We should be using the talents of our chief to focus on the police force and not be overwhelmed with paperwork. I would like to see the village go back to the way it was in the past and it was very productive. Having an appointed individual to only be responsible for seeing that ordinances are followed and if broken will take those who do not fix the problem to night court.
- As mayor, I would like to see us establish a "Westville Residents Against Crime" anonymous hotline. This would give residents a number to call to report crimes or share information about criminal activity in our town. With an anonymous call, this would provide a number for residents to call without fear of retaliation or any reluctance to get involved. This could make a big difference in keeping our town safer and assisting local law enforcement in combating crime.
- As mayor, I will want to be easily accessible and approachable and will do everything possible to listen to the needs and concerns of all the residents of Westville. I plan to spend quality time at city hall so that residents can meet with me in my office one on one.
- As mayor, I plan to work closely with the Westville Fire Protection, Westville School District, Lions Club, Rec League, Youth Football and other organizations to keep an open line of communication and always be there to help them in any way I can with events planned or any concerns.
- As mayor, I plan to attend other local board meetings when I am able to be further informed in areas that can effect our residents. For example I will want to attend the Westville Belgium Sanitary District meetings to keep up with any plans they have for the future.
- As mayor, I want to do my part to see that the attendance to the monthly board meetings are increased and that our residents want to attend and to be vocal and involved to play a role in our community. For those who cannot attend meetings, I would like to consider streaming the meetings live on the village Facebook page.
- I firmly believe this "You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself". I plan to lead by example and to work very hard as mayor in every way. You really can't comment about others and what they contribute until you walk in their shoes. So I intend to spend time with all employees who serve in the village learning more about what they do every day, help where needed and evaluate what I see and hear. Westville has some very hard working employees and I want to make sure as mayor I am very involved.
In closing, I understand that if I am elected I am here to serve. I will want to work very closely with the board, the employees and the community to see that we do what is right for the future. Thank you in advance for considering to vote for me in April for Mayor of Westville.